The Valiante Family

The LORD has brought us together for the purpose of glorifying Him with our lives and ministries. He has given us three beautiful children to join us on this adventure of life. Isn't God amazing!

Monday, May 18, 2009

First Steps

Today has been quite a day of accomplishments for Kiersten. She slept in today (though not the first time) until 9 a.m., which was wonderful for Mommy. Micah did too, so we had lots of sleep today. The morning began with Kiersten saying her first "big" word, "breakfast." Guess she was ready after all that sleeping!

Tonight she took her first step and we were able to catch some more first steps on video. She is getting so big!

Yesterday she was praised by the nursery workers for her beautiful singing and she has been working on improving as she sounds out the tune to Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E. So many things happen after that first birthday, and I'm sure more is to come.

Micah is growing too. He has been increasing his vocabulary and speaks quite well for a two year old (he says "two and a half"). He loves to watch Daddy play softball on the church softball team and shouts out "Go Honey!" with all his might, just like Mommy says!


  1. Too cute Kiersten! Thanks for sharing you guys, she'll be off an running in no time :)

  2. Hi from Grandma Muth!

    Good job, Kiersten!
