The Valiante Family

The LORD has brought us together for the purpose of glorifying Him with our lives and ministries. He has given us three beautiful children to join us on this adventure of life. Isn't God amazing!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Last week our family enjoyed a restful and fun vacation. We spent the first part of the week with Tim's family which was a lot of fun, and relaxing for the whole family... Mommy included.

After returning home, we decided to simply do nothing. Tim held off on working on any major projects, and just relaxed playing with the kids, grilling out, enjoying the hot tub, and celebrating our anniversary... the whole week.

On Friday our neighbor had invited us to go to "Rough and Tumble" Blacksmith Days. This is a gathering outside of Lancaster where there are many old steam engines, along with primitive gasoline engines. Micah was thrilled to see so many tractors and engines. It was a blast.

Micah with our neighbor who invited us out.

One of our times grilling out. Ribs, potatoes and corn. It was delicious.

Micah's attempt at "spelling" his name. We think he is a genius being able to draw the "M" of his first name.