This week has been an amazing week of milestones in Micah and Kiersten's lives. On Monday, while talking with a friend of ours, she mentioned that Micah was well on his way to being potty trained...he could tell when he needed to go. That Tuesday morning, Micah worked hard at sitting on the potty and keeping his new Pull-Ups clean. Wednesday followed with the same hard work. Today, though a bit lax in his efforts (or maybe Mommy's lack of effort), he is doing very well with the motivation to "do it like Macy does!" (Thanks, Bethany, for your daughter's wonderful influence!)

Kiersten was not to be forgotten and has put in her milestone as well by making more steps since Tuesday morning, working on a sidewinder type walk, carefully trying her footing with both feet instead of one. She has been working on more words and taking time to practice her speech instead of nap time...I wonder if it's time to move on to one nap per day?
What a blessing to see our little ones grow! God has been so good to us. It is a joy to be where we are and growing in His timing!