I am rejoicing right now with a little girl in the next room sleeping quietly in her big bed. She is 28 months old now and I had not anticipated moving her into her big bed until days from now, but it has happened...and I am awed!
It actually happened a few weeks ago. Lydia had an uninvited guest in her crib one morning. The cat had jumped in and made herself quite comfortable. After hearing Lydi scream, I decided to take care of the cat and be prepared to stand firm on letting the cat know, she could not go back. The next day, it happened again and we decided to give up on the cat and just lock her out of the upstairs rooms. We did so and Lydi slept fine until the morning. One sibling had decided to look for a lost toy downstairs and failed to close the door on the way back. Lydi awoke, screaming to find the cat in her crib. To our dismay her fear escalated. Naptime was a disaster in her crib, so to keep the peace, I willingly allowed Lydi to sleep in my bed. That night, however, Lydi was certain the cat would come into her crib again and refused to be quiet. We even showed her the door was shut and that she would be safe. Tim decided to give one more option. He pointed to the bottom bunk and suggested that she sleep there. Lydi was delighted and willingly slept there that night. We rejoiced in our bedroom that night amazed at how easy the transition had been in putting her in her new bed.
We thought that was the end of the story, but Lydi began to have great fears at naptimes and bedtimes that the cat would sleep in her bed. I was too tired to deal with it during the day and so allowed her to sleep with me in my bed, but the rest was not the same and shortened for both of us. Sunday came...Mommy and Daddy's normal time to nap with Lydi in her own bed. Lydi, however, did not agree. She screamed and hollered, upsetting me and convincing Daddy to finally sleep with her in her big bed. The following week, I followed suit and did not fight the sleep at naptime in separate beds. I convinced myself that I enjoyed having my little two year old sleeping with me, but it did put a damper on the length of naptime. I knew this couldn't go on forever and we would need to do something about it. This past Sunday Daddy decided to make the effort to teach Lydi to sleep in her own bed at naptime. It worked...but took nearly 45 minutes of screaming, yelling, and fighting on Lydi's part. Daddy faithfully gave her the rules and guidelines. If she tried to get out of her big bed, she had to go back into her crib. She, of course, didn't want to go back into her crib where she might be trapped with the cat and so screamed. Daddy then told her she had to lay down and be quiet before he would put her back into her big bed. She would do as he had said and he would put her back in her big bed only to fight her getting back out again. Back and forth Daddy went laying her down, setting the rules, and leaving. Lydi finally got to the point of submission and willingly stayed in her big bed without crying and she fell asleep exhausted. Bedtime followed suit, though taking much less of an effort for Lydi to submit. She knew Kiersten would be in the room this time, sleeping on the top bunk.
The next day, it was my turn. Because I had given in throughout the past week, I knew we were in for a battle. I was prepared and ready with Daddy home to back me up if needed. I followed Daddy's example from the day before with his coaching from the sidelines. It took me a little over an hour of repetitive action: laying her down, setting the rules, and leaving. But after Lydi got to the point of submissive willingness, she fell asleep again in exhaustion...and Mommy did too! That night was similar as the night before with Mommy trying at the start and Daddy finishing with a much more commanding spirit. Praise the LORD for Daddies!
Today, I was ready for another round, though this time without Daddy's support. It could've been a rough day. Taking Lydi up for a nap, I clearly set the rules: "No getting out of bed. No screaming and no yelling, or I will have put you in your crib." Lydi agreed and submitted to the standard, "No crying, no whining." She was content to be quiet and sleep in her big bed. And all was quiet! I was completely thrilled and though too excited to sleep I am feeling well rested indeed!
Valiante Reflections
The Valiante Family
- Tim and Sarah Valiante
- The LORD has brought us together for the purpose of glorifying Him with our lives and ministries. He has given us three beautiful children to join us on this adventure of life. Isn't God amazing!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Lydi Shares Her Family Song
Lydia has grown so much, she even sang part of our family song for me tonight! I thought I'd share.
For those of you who may have a hard time deciphering, she is singing the names of all the children in our family, "Micah Joel (whom she calls Gicah), Kiersten (or Kiki) Joy, then there's Lydia Hope!"
What precious children God has given us!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Sisterly Love
I am so thrilled to watch my two girls enjoy each other. They are finally playing together and having fun together on their own accord. Lydia is 2 and Kiersten is nearly 5. In the past, Kiersten wanted nothing to do with her sister, much less allow her to be near her. She despised the "smell of babies" or so she said. But now that Lydi is 2 and interacting like a big girl, they are keeping each other very entertained. What a blessing!
LORD, You are so good to give us our little girls with a sincere love for one another and even more exciting to me, that they are enjoying one another! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
LORD, You are so good to give us our little girls with a sincere love for one another and even more exciting to me, that they are enjoying one another! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
On Lydi's 2nd Birthday
Today's enjoyment of each other, organized by Kiersten, herself!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Doing All Things With Love
"Let all your things be done with charity." I Corinthians 16:14
I found this verse rather challenging. If we really did everything out of love toward others and toward God we would not do things for selfish reasons. Charity is selfless, kind, not puffed up, behaving appropriately, and rejoicing in truth. It hopes, endures, and is not easily angered. If we did as this verse in I Corinthians commands us to do, we would treat our families differently and our friends and neighbors with compassion. Imagine how differently we would treat the people who hurt us or the children we discipline and train. How would it effect our treatment toward our spouse or our co-workers...employers and employees? If we did everything out of love, it would not be for our benefit, but theirs. We would not be offended, because it was for their sake, not our own.
LORD, teach us to love as you love. You love enough to correct and chasten, enough to put up with and yet mold us to be like yourself. You love us enough to forgive even when we hurt you over and over again. Father, thank you for loving us like this. Help me to do the same with all who cross my path and with each daily activity. Let my actions, thoughts, and words overflow with You.
I found this verse rather challenging. If we really did everything out of love toward others and toward God we would not do things for selfish reasons. Charity is selfless, kind, not puffed up, behaving appropriately, and rejoicing in truth. It hopes, endures, and is not easily angered. If we did as this verse in I Corinthians commands us to do, we would treat our families differently and our friends and neighbors with compassion. Imagine how differently we would treat the people who hurt us or the children we discipline and train. How would it effect our treatment toward our spouse or our co-workers...employers and employees? If we did everything out of love, it would not be for our benefit, but theirs. We would not be offended, because it was for their sake, not our own.
LORD, teach us to love as you love. You love enough to correct and chasten, enough to put up with and yet mold us to be like yourself. You love us enough to forgive even when we hurt you over and over again. Father, thank you for loving us like this. Help me to do the same with all who cross my path and with each daily activity. Let my actions, thoughts, and words overflow with You.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
This Week's Memories
This week has been a flurry of activity and tidbits. It began last week with a call that our dear friend and "Dad" had passed away. Mr. Washer was a sweet man and father figure to Tim and I as we ventured into the ministry at Lighthouse Baptist Church in New Castle and later Newark, DE. He and his wife called themselves, "Mom and Dad in DE." They had called us family and treated us as such including us in their family get-togethers and showering us with gifts and love throughout the 7 years we were there (not to mention the year we have been here in Millville, PA). Tim was asked to give the eulogy at Mr. Washer's funeral and was honored to do so. We left for Tim's hometown late Sunday night so Tim and I could drive an hour more on Monday for the funeral. Lydia was in tow. She brought smiles and laughter to our dear friends and us as we hugged and remembered with many friends from LBC. What a sweet time we had with everyone and wished we could've stayed longer.
Micah and Kiersten thrilled to be with Grandmom and Pop Pop Valiante for two nights and as always had a blast! Side-walk chalk. Swimming pool fun. Kit-Kat (Kiersten's adopted wax kitty). Story books. Cocoa Magic cereal. Shopping...with Lightning McQueen pajamas as the outcome. On Tuesday we headed home first stopping by the hospital to see the triplets (John and Ruth's new little ones). They are 1 month old and looking to the time when they come home...one reaching the goal possibly this coming week!
Our house is definitely feeling more like home! I am beginning to feel comfortable around boxes and piles of clothes that have no place to go but in the open. I could actually feel comfortable enough to leave the dishes and laundry to get out a bit this week. Thursday the kids and I visited our town's library...a library on wheels! We had not been to a library since...well...Micah was too young to remember. We had a blast! The only ones there during one of the hottest days of the year, we collected all kinds of treasures to take home. We got one about May-May and her sister, Rose (one I thought my sister, Mary would love to read...). Another favorite and Kiersten's new bedtime pal is Pete's a Pizza.
Friday I hauled the kids to church so I could fill in for the secretary at church. A whole room of toys for the kids keeps them pretty occupied, except for Lydia who has not gotten used to the church playpen. She, by the way, has learned to roll over at 4 months (is that normal?). Later that night we ventured as a family to eat Chinese and visit the Dollar Store and WalMart. Kiersten had the experience of losing her favorite blankie (what dramatized crying!) and having it returned (I think the lady who found it had warm fuzzies, too).
Today Micah had his second expectation of going on a fishing trip with Daddy. He was disappointed Daddy hadn't woken him up early for the trip, but at least they hadn't missed it as it was scheduled for 4:30 in the afternoon. Kiersten was also grateful for the trip...she has Mommy time. "Just me and Mommy" she said at the dinner table eating peanut butter and jelly (with fishies inside)...well, except for Lydia who was sleeping upstairs for the most part. We had an enjoyable "girl's night," reading all the favorites from the library including Pete's a Pizza (which is now snug as a bug in Kiersten's bed). The men are on their way home and a new week begins...wonder what else will happen between now and tomorrow. Maybe the biggest catch ever! Or maybe just a good tale of Micah and "Ooey Gooey."
Micah and Kiersten thrilled to be with Grandmom and Pop Pop Valiante for two nights and as always had a blast! Side-walk chalk. Swimming pool fun. Kit-Kat (Kiersten's adopted wax kitty). Story books. Cocoa Magic cereal. Shopping...with Lightning McQueen pajamas as the outcome. On Tuesday we headed home first stopping by the hospital to see the triplets (John and Ruth's new little ones). They are 1 month old and looking to the time when they come home...one reaching the goal possibly this coming week!
Our house is definitely feeling more like home! I am beginning to feel comfortable around boxes and piles of clothes that have no place to go but in the open. I could actually feel comfortable enough to leave the dishes and laundry to get out a bit this week. Thursday the kids and I visited our town's library...a library on wheels! We had not been to a library since...well...Micah was too young to remember. We had a blast! The only ones there during one of the hottest days of the year, we collected all kinds of treasures to take home. We got one about May-May and her sister, Rose (one I thought my sister, Mary would love to read...). Another favorite and Kiersten's new bedtime pal is Pete's a Pizza.
Friday I hauled the kids to church so I could fill in for the secretary at church. A whole room of toys for the kids keeps them pretty occupied, except for Lydia who has not gotten used to the church playpen. She, by the way, has learned to roll over at 4 months (is that normal?). Later that night we ventured as a family to eat Chinese and visit the Dollar Store and WalMart. Kiersten had the experience of losing her favorite blankie (what dramatized crying!) and having it returned (I think the lady who found it had warm fuzzies, too).
Today Micah had his second expectation of going on a fishing trip with Daddy. He was disappointed Daddy hadn't woken him up early for the trip, but at least they hadn't missed it as it was scheduled for 4:30 in the afternoon. Kiersten was also grateful for the trip...she has Mommy time. "Just me and Mommy" she said at the dinner table eating peanut butter and jelly (with fishies inside)...well, except for Lydia who was sleeping upstairs for the most part. We had an enjoyable "girl's night," reading all the favorites from the library including Pete's a Pizza (which is now snug as a bug in Kiersten's bed). The men are on their way home and a new week begins...wonder what else will happen between now and tomorrow. Maybe the biggest catch ever! Or maybe just a good tale of Micah and "Ooey Gooey."
Saturday, July 2, 2011

"He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 113:9
As I read, I desire to share with others what I learn. This verse has definitely been proven to be true in my own life. When Tim and I first married, I was so fearful of the whole aspect of "keeping house," especially preparing meals. God knows me so well! My sister-in-law, Joy, gave some wise advice in the notations she wrote in a cookbook..."pray hard!" Even something that might seem menial such as keeping house comes from the strength of the LORD. He has been so faithful.
Then as Tim and I desired to have children and God blessed in His timing, the fear of being the right kind of mother intruded. Again I found and am still learning that it is God who gives me joy in raising my children. God has been the source of all that I have and am. I cannot do anything without Him.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Answered Prayer!
About a year ago I began praying for a bunkbed. At that point we were moving to Millville, PA and expecting another child. I figured we would need another bed anyway and why not a bunkbed...they're so cool! We had even been praying as we talked of the possibility with Micah and Kiersten. They had absolutely loved the bunkbed in the prophet's chamber at Emmanuel Baptist Church as we were candidating. Kiersten was also getting old enough to be out of a crib, but up until March, we had only two (one toddler bed and one crib). When we moved into our new house we were able to locate all the pieces to Tim's childhood bed and excitedly set it up for Micah once Mom Valiante brought over the bottom board to hold the mattress in. We were then able to move Kiersten to the toddler bed and Micah to the big bed, leaving the crib for Lydia.
We had kindof forgotten about the bunkbed idea (as far as praying goes) and then God answers! I was on craigslist.com looking for some cushions for our couch and found a bunkbed in the price range we had considered! Perfect! Not to mention it has a full bed on the bottom...great for company (Mom and Dad will have a much more comfy place to sleep once we get a mattress)! We were able to pick up the bed today and look forward to getting it restained and set up. I trust our kids will have just as much fun with their new bunkbed as we did with ours growing up!
We had kindof forgotten about the bunkbed idea (as far as praying goes) and then God answers! I was on craigslist.com looking for some cushions for our couch and found a bunkbed in the price range we had considered! Perfect! Not to mention it has a full bed on the bottom...great for company (Mom and Dad will have a much more comfy place to sleep once we get a mattress)! We were able to pick up the bed today and look forward to getting it restained and set up. I trust our kids will have just as much fun with their new bunkbed as we did with ours growing up!
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